Plastic Surgeon in Hyderabad | Dr. Dushyanth Kalva

Dr. Dushyanth Kalva is one of the most respected plastic & cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad. He offers advanced medical procedures and is known to offer ethical medical practice using a practical approach.

Septoplasty Surgery - Benefits and Recovery Tips

Septoplasty is a medical reconstructive plastic surgical procedure to correct the deviated nasal septum (i.e. a condition wherein the bones and cartilages dividing the inside of the nose into two nasal cavities get displaced) due to congen…

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery

The nose is one of the most prominent and vital facial features. It is often seen that many people are not happy with the shape, size, and appearance of their nose. Rhinoplasty is a simple yet effective cosmetic surgery that focuses on imp…

Liposuction: The Best and Most Preferred Body Contouring Surgery

Liposuction is an advanced body contouring procedure that uses a vacuum suction technique to remove excess fat from the body's specific areas. Everyone desires to have a well defined and sculpted body profile but it is not always possible …

Tummy Tuck for Flat and Firmer Abdomen Shape

Everyone desires a slim waist, firm, and flat abdomen along with fuller hips. These traits are universally admired around the world. However, several factors can come into play, making it difficult to attain or maintain a perfect figure. A…

All About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Regular exercise, sit-ups sometimes do not give satisfactory results. If someone is having too much flab or excess skin in their abdomen that does not respond to diet or exercise, then tummy tuck surgery can help to flatten the belly by re…

All About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Regular exercise, sit-ups sometimes do not give satisfactory results. If someone is having too much flab or excess skin in their abdomen that does not respond to diet or exercise, then tummy tuck surgery can help to flatten the belly by re…

Precautions to Take Before and After Abdominoplasty

Many individuals struggle to achieve a perfectly toned body even after drastic weight loss as they are left with unwanted fat deposits and loosely hanging skin. The diet and exercise can help get rid of excess fat but it certainly doesn’t …

Which is the Best Method of Liposuction?

Most people are not satisfied with their body shape or size. This might lead to reduced self-confidence, and often cause adverse mental health effects such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders in the affected individuals. However, t…